The IT security company Verisec has signed an agreement with Lund University, which initially means that Freja eID Plus becomes an e-ID in the service for university staff. In the long term, Freja eID can be used as an ID solution for all the university’s users and services.

Freja eID Plus is a mobile e-ID at trust level 3 (LOA3) approved for the governmental quality mark Svensk e-legitimation and fulfills all requirements for private use for citizens as well as for identification of employees. The personal identity number is the identity the individual usually has for their private government services and banking services, while, for example, an employment number, or other ID concept linked to the exercise of services, can be the same individual’s identity in profession – Freja eID can store and handle both of these concepts. Since Freja eID also meets all technical standards, such as SAML2, Lund University can use Freja eID for access to most systems, and if needed for ID interchanging, Freja eID also supports this, both technically and contractually.

Johan Henrikson, CEO Verisec comments:
”Few have so quickly embraced the opportunities of digitization as actors in the field of education, but no matter what ambitions an education institution has around digitization, the identity will be a fundamental component. We are of course extremely proud that Lund University, ranked as Sweden’s best university, chooses the new generation e-ID – Freja eID.”