An eID for Schools

In 2023, all schools must prepare so that teachers and staff can access the Digital National Examinations (DNP) that begin next year.

eID is already required for principals accessing e-services at Skolverket.

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An eID for Schools

In 2023, all schools must prepare so that teachers and staff can access the Digital National Examinations (DNP) that begin next year. eID is already required for principals accessing e-services at Skolverket.

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What Is Required for the National Exams?

You must answer the following questions:

– Which IdP and federation should we choose?
– How do we ensure that the staff have a compliant LOA2 identity?
– How do we avoid the problems with private eID at work?
– Can the eID be scaled to other groups within the organization?
– What do we do with the students’ login method?
– How do we ensure minimal administration?

Book an advisory meeting

Book a free counseling session with Freja. We are experts in eID and can guide you – regardless of whether you are a municipality, an independent school group or a completely independent school.

Why Freja OrgID?

Freja is Sweden’s fastest growing eID and a large number of municipalities, schools and universities can testify to the advantages of Freja OrgID.

Meets all compliance up to LOA3

Role-based ID that differentiates between private and work use

Automated user management

Works with shared devices/pool phones

The only eID that is connected to DIGG’s agreement on eID for employees

Integrated with Skolverket, integrators and federations

World-class customer support and advice

Fixed price from 20 to 20,000 users

Students are always included free of charge

Do You Need Freja on Chromebook?

Specifically tailored for schools, Freja for Chromebooks is especially useful with the new regulations around the DNP.

How it works

The user would have Freja Org ID on their phone as usual. They would then switch over to the Chromebook with the help of Freja Org ID to continue working on the computer only.

Want to Know More?

Book a free counseling session with Freja. We are experts in eID and can guide you – regardless of whether you are a municipality, an independent school group or a completely independent school.

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Click here to watch recording from our webinar “Ready for DNP? An eID for Schools”

What customers say about Freja OrgID

Malmö stad was the first municipality to get Freja OrgID. In this 5 minute case study video they tell why the chose Freja, how they implemented it and which problems it solved.

Watch video

SML-IT represents the municipalities Sotenäs, Munkedal and Lysekil. In this webinar they describe how they use Freja OrgID for shared devices, for employees who does not have a dedicated work phone.

Watch video

Högsby municipality chose Freja OrgID to lower their costs and to minimize administration. In this article they describe how they use Freja OrgID and how it has added flexibility as well as increased security.

Read the article

Interested in hearing more about Freja OrgID?

Mikael Emmet Johansson

VP Business Development
+46 708-13 21 59

Joel Johansson

Sales Manager
+46 708-83 11 33

William Blomquist

Sales Manager
+46 734-30 12 15

Interested in hearing more about Freja OrgID?

Mikael Emmet Johansson

VP Business Development
+46 708-13 21 59

Joel Johansson

Sales Manager
+46 708-83 11 33

William Blomquist

Sales Manager
+46 734-30 12 15