OrgID Card

With OrgID your employees will also get a digital ID card based on the attributes your organisation assigns them. This ID card is customisable to fit your brand and visual style.

The OrgID card allows your employees to identify themselves in physical situations just like they would with a plastic ID card e.g. during inspections, at events, when entering restricted spaces etc.


OrgID Card

With OrgID your employees will also get a digital ID card based on the attributes your organisation assigns them. This ID card is customisable to fit your brand and visual style.

The OrgID card allows your employees to identify themselves in physical situations just like they would with a plastic ID card e.g. during inspections, at events, when entering restricted spaces etc.

Why a Digital ID Card?

Moving on from the traditional plastic ID to the smartphone has numerous advantages.

First and foremost, there is a suite of built-in security features that are simply not possible on static, plastic ID cards.

Secondly, being a digital ID card, it is provisioned digitally. This means that your users simply get it on their phones thus reducing unnecessary costs and hassle.

Finally, by using a digital ID card, there is no plastic used or waste generated meaning no negative impact on the environment.

Why a Digital ID Card?

Moving on from the traditional plastic ID to the smartphone has numerous advantages.

First and foremost, there is a suite of built-in security features that are simply not possible on static, plastic ID cards.

Secondly, being a digital ID card, it is provisioned digitally. This means that your users simply get it on their phones thus reducing unnecessary costs and hassle.

Finally, by using a digital ID card, there is no plastic used or waste generated meaning no negative impact on the environment.

Security Features

The ID card is only accessible via the user’s PIN or biometrics

The ID card screen is animated and plays sounds

The current time and date are displayed on the ID card

The QR code containing the user’s data can timeout and must be refreshed to be used

The ID card can be scanned by another user using Freja to check its authenticity

We have a security portal where anyone can check whether the ID card is authentic

Should the device containing the ID card be lost, OrgID can immediately be revoked

Fully Customisable

The OrgID card can be designed to match your branding and visual style. There is also a neutral design that is the default if you would prefer not to customise it.

If you would like to customise your OrgID card, get in touch with us.

Apart from the colours and design, you can also choose which OrgID attributes appear on the screen e.g. organisation name, employment no. etc. allowing you to best tailor it to your needs.

Security First

Built-In Security

To ensure the OrgID card’s authenticity there are built-in security features such as unlocking via PIN or biometrics, screen liveness, live time and date on screen, remote provisioning to immediately revoke compromised OrgIDs.

App to App

The OrgID card can be scanned by another user who has registered Freja. The 2 people will then receive a three-digit control code that will match if the OrgID card is authentic.

Via Our Security Portal

Anyone can use our security portal to perform a check of any OrgID card. It is done by entering the user’s personnummer into the portal and checking to see if the same three-digital control code appears in the portal and on the user’s device.

Visit Our Security Portal.

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Contact Us

Mikael Emmet Johansson

VP Business Development
+46 708-13 21 59

Joel Johansson

Sales Manager
+46 708-83 11 33

William Blomquist

Sales Manager
+46 734-30 12 15

Contact Us

Mikael Emmet Johansson

VP Business Development
+46 708-13 21 59

Joel Johansson

Sales Manager
+46 708-83 11 33

William Blomquist

Sales Manager
+46 734-30 12 15