Freja OrgID and DIGG’s Prepaid Agreement
Freja OrgID can be used in three different ways:
- Use within your own organisation for internal services.
- External use where your employees log in to external e-services with their OrgID
- Employees of other organisations accessing some of your internal e-services with their OrgID.

Internal Use
Use case 1 is the most common and a basic prerequisite for you to be able to use OrgID in the second and third cases. For this to happen, a relying party agreement is required between you and Freja, as well as a DPA agreement.
This agreement regulates our responsibility and your opportunities to use Freja OrgID as your e-service identification. For this you do not need an agreement with DIGG.
Cross-Organisational Use
If you then want your Freja OrgID users to access other organisations’ e-services – which go via DIGG’s prepaid agreement (for example Skolverket), have an additional agreement with Freja for the DIGG connection.
The reason why we require an additional agreement for this is that we undertake some extra responsibilities in relation to your organisation and DIGG.

Let External Users In via DIGG’s Agreement
If your organisation wants to allow external users into your e-services – for example healthcare staff from a region or service person from a municipality you collaborate with – you can do this by signing DIGG’s prepaid agreement.
The users who then come to you come from another organisation that a) have an agreement with Freja ORGID and b) have Freja’s additional agreement.
If you have more questions or want to book a review of Freja OrgID and the DIGG agreement, please contact us!