User Guides

Find resources for your own users once you start using Freja. We have guides about Freja, how to register and use the different features in Freja.

Getting Freja

Regardless if your users will be using Freja as their private or service e-ID, the registration process is the same.

Below you will find useful links to share with your users with more information about registering for a Freja account.

Detailed registration guide
Registration video

User Account Management

Below you will find information about the most common questions we get from users about how they can manage their Freja account.

How the user can change their photo in Freja
How to change the Freja app language
How to reset their PIN

Freja Organisation ID (OrgID)

Freja OrgID is a service ID that works on top of the user’s existing private Freja account. It is issued and/or revoked exclusively by the user’s employer once they have completed the regular registration in Freja.

Again, since you as an organisation are solely responsible for issuing OrgID to your users, make sure to communicate this to your employees clearly. Furthermore, there are several features only available to OrgID holders such as temporary devices and employee ID cards.

Control portal for verifying employee ID cards

Establishing Trust in Freja

User’s unfamiliar with Freja might have questions about security, privacy, and personal data handling. The page below can be useful to share as it contains information about the standards and regulations that Freja fulfils.

Regulatory approvals for the Freja service

Freja Support

Your users can reach out to our support via email or phone.

Our support is open daily from 8h to 22h.

The link below leads to our support page that contains, in addition to our support contact information, frequently asked questions, guides, and common issues that are maintained regularly.

Freja’s support page

Do You Need a Dedicated Page on Our Website?

For larger launches or user groups who need more specialised information/instructions when launching Freja, we offer the option to set up a web page dedicated solely to your service.

For more information please contact us via