One platform. Endless solutions.

Solutions for Private Use

KYC, user data, compliance and privacy.

Solutions for Organisational Use

Online and physical identification in the workplace.

Physical Identification for Employees

Issue a digital ID card to your employees for physical identification.

OrgID for School Staff

Easily prepare for the Digital National Examinations (DNP).

Use Freja Across Europe

53 countries are supported in Freja, allowing you an unparalleled cross-border reach for your business needs.

Use Freja Across Europe

53 countries are supported in Freja, allowing you an unparalleled cross-border reach for your business needs.

Our Customers

Here is a selection of our customers.

Our Partners

We are partnered with some of the best companies providing tech and identity solutions.

Our Customers

Here is a selection of our customers.

Our Partners

We are partnered with some of the best companies providing tech and identity solutions.

Download Freja today!

Download Freja today!

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